The Women On Top

Brittany Barcellos: Stepping Into Your Icon Identity in Your Brand, Style, and Personal Evolution

Valerie Lynn

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Imagine waking up one day, slipping on a silk red robe, and seeing yourself transform before your very eyes.
That's the essence of what Brittany Barcellos and I unravel in a heart-to-heart on the power of shaping not only how the world sees us, but how we see ourselves.
Brittany coaches me REAL TIME on how to begin cultivating and embodying our IDENTITY and it is worth saving and coming back to TIME AND TIME again for yourself!
Brittany Barcellos is a creative brand director for the ever-evolving, iconic woman and her brand.
She works with multi-millionaires, authors, artists, online entrepreneurs, and beyond, helping them push their creative edge to new levels and unleash their X factor in their business, brand, and personal identity.
Some of the most recognized ways she does this is through her own unique style and identity evolution process, iconic brand photoshoots, and her innovative business development which includes  mentorship, strategy, and embodiment.
This episode is soaked in the kind of soul-searching stories that make you want to stand taller and speak louder.
We navigate the emotional landscape of women's experiences as we teeter on the edge between dimming our light and letting it shine unabashedly. 
Brittany isn't just re-defining the industry, she IS the industry!
Put on your headphones and let your imagination take flight as we embark on this auditory voyage of transformation.
We're not just talking clothes and catchphrases; we're talking life-changing revelations that resonate with the core of who we are.
Brittany's insights are a call to arms for every woman ready to claim her space, amplify her voice, and step into a world where personal power is the ultimate expressive statement.
Because here, we celebrate the rise of women who dare to be loud, rich, and sexy in their truth – and we're just getting warmed up!!!

Brittany Barcellos:

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Speaker 1:

Hello, gorgeous, and welcome to the Women on Top podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, valerie Lynn, and with over 15 years of business experience, I became truly passionate about finding ways to support and hear from way more women, and what we know to be true is that women thrive when they are in their favorite position on top on top in business, in relationships, in personal growth and on top in being real and authentic to who the hell they are. So I invite you to sit back and enjoy the Women on Top podcast. Oh, my gosh, I am so excited to be sitting here today with this absolutely amazing queen and I say queen on purpose, because she really is that. So I am sitting here with a woman who I just have loved and been so honored to witness her transformation and watching her step into her bold, authentic leadership, honestly and really watching her help women evolve their identities and their brands and their businesses. And so I have sitting here with me a creative brand director the one and only creative brand director, we should say Brittany Barcelos. Welcome to the show. I'm so happy that you're here and I just love you.

Speaker 2:

I'm so happy to be here. I want this recording already.

Speaker 1:

So good. I just, anytime I get to share space with you, I feel elevated, and I think that that is truly just a representation of how you show up in rooms. Um, so let's, let's talk about that for a second. Um, I feel like you. I said you were a queen, so I feel like you really are we met right, we met in in a room, so perfect, let's go there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, this is so true, and I was so drawn so, yeah, I was so drawn to Brittany's energy. I feel like one of the things that you do that's a little bit different is you show it really transparently, but you still hold yourself to a really high level. So I feel like, no matter how you share your story, you're doing so in a really like I guess again like you're really leading yourself through the process, and I think that it's a really beautiful combination and it feels like it's a really unique thing as women to be able to do that. So I actually want to kind of go back to your childhood and I'm just thinking of you know how in your zone of genius you are right now when it comes to this creative direction, because this truly, I feel like, is your heart led work, like the work that you were made to do. Can you kind of look back and and see some of that? Or what was, what was the process of getting here, Like for you?

Speaker 2:

I love that you're taking it all the way back, cause I have recently been able to like look back in hindsight and see that there has been those dots that have connected all along and so much of like evolution, quote, unquote, you see. See, I'm doing these air quotes because evolution is so much about, like where you're heading next, who you're evolving into. But if you think about the rawness of evolution and what I'm about to share, it's actually like who I've been all along and uncovering more and more of the conditionings and the path that I thought I needed to take. And coming back home to this younger version, that that I've like she's here, like she is here creating and for me, I think I've always been, um, I've just always had a real big imagination and there's definitely clues and stuff with style I'll get into next, but I think when I was younger. So my mom was actually an elementary school teacher and we got to like go to school with her every day. I had an older sister and so it was always about like dressing up, you know, like we'd we'd wear the matching outfits all together We'd show up to school. My mom would like read us like beautiful stories and I actually, when I was five years old, in my kindergarten class, my teacher told me you're going to be an author one day.

Speaker 2:

Because I loved stories, I loved writing, I loved imagery, I loved creating and that was just always such a big part of my childhood.

Speaker 2:

And as I grew up with my sister and then we had a younger sister who came around, we would just always play like we had. We lived in the mountains and in the woods and so we'd ride our bikes and we'd come up with like we used to sell Marine World tickets that we got from McDonald's. They were like Marine world tickets and we went around to our neighbors and we'd sell them and we'd bake them cookies, and so I always had a creative playground that I went, that I was in and immersed in, and that's probably like the biggest clue. So to say that I've had is this has just always been such a part of my essence is creating and being in an imaginary world. But then, when it comes to these pieces, like these specific pieces with creative brand directing one of the biggest being styling and photo shoots what I remember is actually in in middle school it was seventh grade. I love this story. Do you remember those all about me posters everyone including like you'd write like what you want to be when you grow up, what?

Speaker 2:

your dog is Okay, and it was like you were star of the week and you got to showcase and like you brought in your favorite stuffed animal. So I believe I was like star of the week and I got to share about me and on this poster I wish I had it. I wrote under what do you want to be when you grow up? I wrote a photographer, a model, an author and a fashion designer.

Speaker 1:

Wow, wow.

Speaker 2:

Had I ever done any of that? No, but if you see the threads, it's creativity, it's, you know, all of the things that my job entails now, which we'll get into, I'm sure, written down on paper before I even knew what any of that even meant or how you can combine all of that in one quote, unquote job, which in real industries you can't really.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, yeah, I love that you were almost manifesting at an early age where you're at now. So style, when I think of style, or when I used to think of style, I used to just think of the clothes that you wear. And then I signed up for a course with you that was all about style, but from like an embodied way, and we really dove into identity through some X factor experiences and or learnings that you had put together and it turned out there was so much there to unpack for women. So I'm curious from that, like what has style, I guess, meant for you and how do you help women find their true essence? Because I feel like there's so much there. You have to peel back so many layers to really get to where the juice is sometimes, yeah, so I'm curious about that for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay. So for one, to me, styling is a tool and a catalyst into our truest essence, into our boldest expression, and I feel the same way when it comes to photo shoots. So in creative brand directing, I'm not, it's not just styling, it's not just photo shoots, it's not just deliverables, it's we use style, we use the photo shoot experience, we use the brand deliverables as catalysts into the version of you that you've been hiding. So I've always seen it this way, because, for me, when I get dressed and when I think about my style, and when I like put on my tripod and take videos of myself, to me that's a portal of playing in a newfound expression in myself so I've never seen style as trends.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen style as a material thing. I've seen it as actually a catalyst of transformation and a place to play in expression without rules or parameters. It's like what parts of me want to come out through the outfit that I choose today. So I've always seen style in that way. And then to answer your question about, like what I have really seen, what this work really is for women and with X Factor and these pieces that I do, is a lot of the times, like we just don't have permission to explore these parts of ourselves that we've suppressed. And even when I thought it was about style and like looking good and feeling good and becoming this version of us version of us, what I have found with clients is it's actually so much more about unraveling parts that we've always been and giving a space to bring that permission back in our lives to let her back out again.

Speaker 2:

and that's been really transformative, because when you use tools like style to help with that, now it's like it's like an embodiment practice. It's like you going to a big retreat that takes you through the depths of your soul, like that's what this styling and photo shoot and creative direction process actually is for for these women.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm curious when did you have to in your life give yourself permission? I'm curious when did you have to in your life give yourself permission? Were there moments where you felt like you were playing small and what did?

Speaker 2:

you do to start allowing yourself permission to become her. Yeah, I mean, I think of two really prime examples that I think a lot of us can relate to. One of them is obviously going to be style, because that keeps getting brought up. But with style and my look specifically, I actually feel like as a woman, as a girl, I feel like I was so afraid to shine and take up too much attention because I felt like it took away from other women, and I also felt like the more that I allowed myself to shine, cause, at a very young age I felt I felt like I was like the it girl and I and I don't mean to say that from like an ego standpoint, but I could feel this energy, that I had this magnetism from middle school and on, and I was, you know, I did get attention and, um, I did look a certain way that got me certain attention, and so for me, what I always kind of masked was like, yes, I'm that, but I'm so relatable and I'm so nice, but I'm so relatable and I'm so nice and, oh my gosh, like I would downplay, like who I was on the outside and inside, because I could feel this like sense of projection or jealousy or comparison or competitiveness from other women from a very young age and I didn't like that because I felt like I was making people feel less than around me.

Speaker 2:

So I definitely shrunk and style and clothes and that was one way where, like, I remember dressing up for school one day and one of my friends who's so sadly passed away, but like I think this was part of our work together but she was like wow, like why are you so dressed up? Like I'd get comments like that a lot. I played competitive sports. My teammates would wear sweats. If I got for bed, wore jeans. It was like wow, like who are you trying to impress? So there's, there was a lot of feelings that I got when I went to go, be in my fullest expression and wear the outfit and do the thing and look this way, where I constantly felt like again, it would make women feel less than around me and that was a huge block for a long time until recently.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, and how did you get through that block? What was that like?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, when I went through this big pivot slash evolution this last year, before I was doing creative brand directing, I was mostly doing business mentorship and I was kind of dabbling in this, but I hit a point in my business. It was sort of a wall where I was mostly doing business mentorship and I was kind of dabbling in this, but I hit a point in my business. It was sort of a wall where I was like, hey, this is working. But I didn't come into this business for things to just work and I had to get very honest with myself and ask like, why? Why am I doing this?

Speaker 2:

And, honestly, it was to unleash my creative expression and to be my fucking self and to be successful and prove that I can be, just by being myself, just by being the version that every single industry and person and bubble and part of my life has tried to keep me in this box. I'm like I'm here to unleash the box, so why? Why am I still like no one's keeping me in the box? But I'm staying there because I'm so fucking afraid for other people to again feel less than like those storylines, right? So it was a moment of. This is actually like killing my soul, like by by keeping myself small for other people to feel, to not feel less than around me. I am keeping myself small and I'm also not activating the right people forward.

Speaker 2:

So, there was this big shift and this is good for anyone listening where I just actually started telling myself you are the permission and you're going to activate the shit out of people, but you're either going to activate them one way or you're going to activate the shit out of people, but you're either going to activate them one way or you're going to activate them forward. So which one do you want to be? And if you don't activate them forward, then how can you stop taking on the responsibility of that and like do this for you, because this is who you have to be. If you are not this version of you, you are dying slowly and you have to be so committed to that and like feeling alive in your life that everything else is no longer your responsibility to hold.

Speaker 1:

I mean we could just end this episode there. That was such fire. I feel like the mic drop moment just happened. Wow, yeah, I feel like I'm speechless, and that doesn't happen very often.

Speaker 1:

I think it's so relatable, though, right, because so many of us, I think, especially as women, and especially when you're an ambitious woman, you just want to do good by your family or by society, or by whatever norms you're placing upon yourself. You end up falling into so many boxes that maybe aren't even yours, and you get to certain points and I know I've been there too where you're just like whose life am I even living? Is this mine or is it for somebody else? And I love that you have evolved into this and that you asked your question to yourself of, like, do I want to be dying slowly or do I want to activate the right people into my world? I am curious for the woman who's listening in, who is maybe in the transformation, but it's really a roller coaster. Like, maybe she's just started taking some first steps. What would you say to her in that process?

Speaker 2:

I think one of the most important things is to surround yourself with other women who are so embodied and confident and expanded in who they are that that becomes the new norm for you too. That's simply put.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say. I feel like that's why we started this podcast, literally to activate those kinds of women's voices.

Speaker 2:

You won't understand the glass ceilings that you're currently living in until you bust out of that and find a new room to play in. And I said this on a different podcast that, like there was one event I went to Powerhouse Women a couple of years ago and I let myself wear the dress and I let myself be big, and it was so healing because I was I realized, oh, I've just been in the wrong rooms.

Speaker 2:

I haven't played in a bigger room, so you just remember. You're in a new arena now, congratulations. You are in in the big leagues. Like you are in the gauntlet, rolling up your sleeves. And what does it look like when you just change the arena? Like you're not in the same environments, where, where the norm is those projections and those people because when you hear that, which you will, it's going to come up every time you step out and into this evolution those people, like their voices, are going to be like little, like like what are those? Like the mice, like little squeaky, just like they're there. But you're going to be like, oh my God, like poor, not poor you, but like damn. Like I see you, and I don't even have to take this on Cause like look at what's over here.

Speaker 2:

And you, you don't even know what's over here and you don't even know what's over here, because you ain't willing to step out of this arena.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what does it feel like for you now on this side of it, differently from like example, like I don't know a year or so ago, when you were kind of in the shift?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I feel and this is something Valerie and I were just talking about offline and I know you're in a very similar space and I hope that people listening know what this feels like at least at one point in their lives. It's almost like you have the same problems. You actually have more. There's more chaos than ever. You're in the complete unknown and unfolding and you're trusting that. So there's also this deep surrender of like I don't know what the F I'm doing, but I'm doing it because it feels right.

Speaker 2:

It's like this new version of you starts leading the way and you're just like following her lead, like the creative spirit, the higher power, whatever it is, the higher power, whatever it is, and at the same time, you're so aligned and it feels so liberating and freeing that all the all of the problems kind of go away, Like you're working towards something, something's moving you forward, instead of you forcing and pushing and trying to make something work when it's just not working because it's just not. You Like when you argue everything works, even if it's hard, and I have my days and I have my triggers and I have people projecting on me, and yet, because I'm so clear in who I am and it feels so good and freeing to be freaking me. All of that goes away.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I think it's so important to what you captured, like how you know when you're so clear and when you're so focused and it just it's not even like the discipline or the motivation, it's just there, it's just present because you know that this is the work you were meant to lead and it's going to happen somehow. And, like you said, there's projections and maybe, yeah, certain things kind of rub off, but then you just it doesn't even matter. At certain moments You're just so laser focused on your mission that the little stuff just becomes dust. At least, that's kind of what is has been my experience. So I love that we're talking about that.

Speaker 1:

I do want to ask and this is selfishly kind of a question for me but say, you know, we have women out there who they don't know their style. They feel like I just throw on clothes and I just I don't know, I've just been getting through the day Right and they don't know. Yeah, they don't know what that expression is. They're just kind of lost in that. Where would you tangibly, like tactically, give us a couple of things like where should she start? Like, where do we even begin to learn what our style is?

Speaker 2:

Well, again, to me it's always so much more than style. So even the work that I do is like actually primarily about like helping you unleash your brand and your brand expression. And, again, you, in order to do that, you have to like know your style and and use style as a creative process to unleash you inside the brand and you inside your identity. So, looking at it in those terms because I am like people listening, probably our business owners like they're gonna, they want to like have the kick ass business that's totally aligned and lit up and we use style as an exploration of that. So I would say, if you're lost, if you're stuck, if you don't know where to start in either aspect, using style is a good place to start in unleashing this next level, identity inside your personal life and your brand.

Speaker 2:

What I do and what I take clients through is it's a creative process, a creative process. So I don't look at style as something that is clear in the beginning. It's almost like how do we play inside style, inside who you are, inside the parts of you that you really want to be expressing, and then go to the style board and say what will match that? So one of of the like. A real good, quick, easy tip, without going through my process and hiring me would be literally to ask yourself what parts of my expression have been dying to come out in place. So, valerie, let's use you as an example.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say use me example.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was going to say use me with a question that I asked you yesterday, and what words?

Speaker 1:

came through and like how edgy that felt, yeah. So, um, we were going through this exercise and I as far as like the voice and how she wants to be seen and all the things that came out, and I just started writing down loud, rich and sexy, and those were the words. There's different meaning behind the words than what you might be thinking, so of course there's more. That means something personally to me, but I was even surprised. This was one of those moments where I feel like you have to just kind of get quiet with yourself and listen to what comes out, because I didn't expect those to be the things. If I was listening with my you know my tactical mind I would have picked different words. So I think you have to listen with your internal heart versus your achiever brain, and then that's kind of when the identity starts to show itself.

Speaker 2:

And then that's kind of when the identity starts to show itself. Yeah, and this is how we build brands differently, because we're not going into the question with, like, okay, logistically, what is my brand mission? It's like, no, let's unravel her through the body, through activities. And then we build the tactics and the tangibilities and the style and the brand and the mission and the wordingibilities and the style and the brand and the mission and the wording and messaging after. So, with Valerie, with this example, what that tells me right away.

Speaker 2:

And here's a quick tip first of all, if you need help unlocking this and you're like, well, I don't know how to, like tap into this part and like, not journal this out from my brain, put on a song, like a song that you feel like dancing to. That might be edgy, you don't even know your words yet. But like, put on a song, like a song that you feel like dancing to, that might be edgy, you don't even know your words yet, but like, put on a fricking song and start moving and let your body tell you how you want to move. I'm, I'm certified in soul flow embodiment by my mentor, andy, and it's really taught me to just allow your body to start speaking to you and like listening to the language your body speaks, and if that doesn't unlock something, y'all do meditations and visualization. So like sit down and guide yourself through a process where you just say, like, show me the way.

Speaker 2:

Or you start picturing this version of you that's maybe on a stage or maybe leading a crowd and you ask what is she like? You, tell me who she is Like you, let that version tell you is what is she wearing? Who's around her? What's her essence when she walks into the room? These are all great questions, but don't just ask it with a journal and a pen. Take yourself through something, put on a song, dance, visualize this and then the answers will come. So with Valerie, sexy, loud, rich, tell me real quick. You said this means something different than what we think. So tell us a little bit of that so we know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So when I was thinking of loud, I wasn't necessarily thinking of volume, like screaming. I was thinking of loud and like bold in the terms of she just is unapologetically saying, doing, being herself in all of the places, in all of the rooms. And then, when it comes to rich, I feel like that was also an attitude. It wasn't necessarily. I mean, yes, it's abundance, it's wealth, it's all of that, but it's an energy, so it's this higher elevated. She treats herself well and she treats whoever she serves at a very rich level and leads a rich life because of it. And then sexy, I mean. I guess that does mean what it is, but I feel like sexy is a little bit daring. It's a little bit of that playful side that gets to come out. It's a little bit of the non-conservative side, a little bit of the colored heel or the pop of lipstick or the jewelry. That's fun and to me that is sexy is just a little bit of a expression of self. Okay, he's getting excited.

Speaker 2:

I'm like y'all, I'm taking notes over here and I'm sure you guys are seeing the picture right. So this is how I teach style identity work so differently. Because if we just talk about, okay, what looks good on you, like, what fabrics, like that's, that's boring to me. I'm I'm here to push the creative edge and I'm here to also help you step into parts of you and your evolution that you don't even realize you want and you don't even realize. You can do that and use style as one of the catalysts. So already and this is a good example that we're taking Valerie through because you can apply this to you right After you do the visualization, you come up with maybe your three words or these parts of you, and you're listening to this version of you and then you go a step deeper, like we did with Valerie.

Speaker 2:

So like, okay, what does rich actually mean? What does sexy actually look like? What is loud really Like? What's the essence of loud? And so underneath the words is actually really important feedback this is one of my superpowers is seeing what's the essence of loud, and so underneath the words is actually really important feedback this is one of my superpowers is seeing what's underneath the words and listening to what's not being said. So when I think about loud, let's go there first like being your.

Speaker 2:

It is really about being yourself and being fully expressed in a room. So when Valerie walks into a room and she allows herself to be loud, which is her evolution then like, what does that look like in what she's wearing? And we don't have to go through the whole coaching process, but what I see is like it doesn't necessarily mean you have the biggest, brightest color in the room, because loud doesn't mean that for you, but it actually means being all of you. So then we go into the process of okay, who is all of you? What? What is you in your biggest expression? For you, valerie, I think that actually might look like the dark colors and the bold lip and and more of the energy behind what you're wearing and how you feel in that. Then the second thing is rich. It's such an activating word, right, that probably keeps on. You're like oh no, but it doesn't mean what you think of me.

Speaker 1:

But it also does.

Speaker 2:

But it also does and like okay, well then, fuck it If it does to me. When you said like it's more about an attitude, like rich as an attitude, first of all, now we're tying that into your brand, now that's a pillar in your brand. So this is the process. It's so multidimensional, but if we're just talking style here and it's an attitude and an energy, then when we go to style, you and you go shopping and you're still shopping at freaking forever 21, because you're looking at the price tags and saying, well, this one's two for 50. So maybe I'll get this. Is that really being in alignment to this, this rich, elevated? I treat myself well and I lead a rich life mentality? No, and I see you shaking your head. So you tell me if you were to embody this rich attitude, I treat myself well, like what would be maybe a material that you would wear or an outfit that you might wear that you want to invest in right now.

Speaker 1:

I feel like something that's like a little bit silky or like um, what am I thinking of? Like Lacey kind of like just really fun, flirty kind of material, but also classic, um, also something like leather and not like cheap plastic, smelly leather but like a real leather jacket, like have you ever ordered leather on Amazon? You? Smell the bag.

Speaker 2:

You're like, oh gosh, oh, my gosh, this is so good, okay. And then the sexy piece is also like what I hear underneath, that is like daring, like letting this more playful, feminine, but like a little bit edgy side come out, which we've talked about before. And you guys have noticed with what Valerie said Sherry gave some description of that it's the colored heel, it's the pop on the lip. So now we kind of use that and say how can we add accents of sexy? And say how can we add accents of sexy, how can we bring out the playfulness through maybe the earrings or the lip or the heel or, you know, the lace underneath the leather jacket?

Speaker 2:

And so if you guys just notice what we went through here, it's like you have to go through the unraveling so that it is more than style, so that it is the catalyst to the evolution. Cause, if, valerie, you go wear a beautiful silk oh, I saw the most beautiful silk red robe and I I wanted to order it for my client but it wouldn't get here for her photo shoot. But maybe it's meant for you, cause it's red and it's like a wine red. But if you were to wear that and walk around freaking Costco let alone an event that you're walking into the room and letting yourself be loud, that has this like loud, confident, bold, rich, deep, playful, sexy, fully expressed presence.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and it's so interesting walking through this because I'm realizing it's not about the clothes being on, that on the body, like you know, the clothes are on the outside. It's about becoming the person underneath the clothes, which is so crazy. I'm like just putting that together, Wow. I feel like we have just I don't know given so much amazing value with that whole experience. I mean, even if I'm the only person that listens to this episode, bless it, because that was just magic unlocked right there. I mean, that's an amazing revolution to kind of come to for me of like thinking about wearing something like that, whatever it is, and how differently I would show up.

Speaker 2:

Right, and it has nothing to do with the clothes. The clothes are the catalyst to the internal evolution that you're desiring to step into. So that's why, like, I really don't ever see it as style, I really don't ever see it as a photo shoot, like I'm here to help women step into the suppressed, watered down versions that they've been hiding. Because when you do, and you allow that, and we use all of these tools as a catalyst towards that, I'm telling you right now, like you're going to feel how Valerie and I are showing up right now in our business, in our missions, like it is us. There's no separation between what we're doing, what we're meant to do, and that, to me, the biggest work you can do in this world.

Speaker 2:

And if you're not doing it, again you're, you're dying slowly, and I've, I've lived that and I've slowly died and I've come out the other side. So it is so possible. Um, we are testaments of that. I haven't always felt like this in my expression, in my business, in my life. It's been a real windy road, painful road, emotional road to get here, but now that I'm here, I'm just getting started.

Speaker 1:

And I feel that so much we are. Literally, you are just launching, just barely launching, and the moon isn't even the goal here, it's the whole universe and beyond. Really, I feel like Brittany is taking over the industry in a totally new way, and she's redefining all of the things when it comes to this whole idea of creative direction. So I can't say enough If you guys are looking for an expert that can help you in this type of work, in this evolution, she is the only person that you should be turning to right now. Literally, she is the industry. So really quickly as we're starting to wrap this up, because, oh my gosh, I don't know how much more heat we can handle all of the fire.

Speaker 2:

We just we're getting hot.

Speaker 1:

I know we can handle all of the fire. We just no Um. What is next for you and where can the beautiful listeners find you?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. Well, the easiest place to find me is is where I hang out most on Instagram, so we'll link that in the show notes, I'd assume. Um, and what's next for me is I'm actually I'm building out a kick ass creative cutting edge team right now, and it is such a fun edge to play on, because it's one thing to have my creative genius, it's a whole nother thing to bring in a team with different geniuses and to really elevate this experience for my clients. So I want to become the one-stop shop for people who want to evolve inside their business, inside their brands, and I want a creative process to do that through identity work, through styling, through a photo shoot, through production. I'm doing I'm talking like docu, docu style videos, like showcasing the evolution, like I am going so big.

Speaker 2:

Um, and in terms of my work, I'm right now really focused on this all inclusive, high touch, high level way of working with me through Iconic. But eventually I am going to create style guides, posing guides, different ways that you can step into this on your own. I think X Factor is a really great place to start. It's something Valerie took. It's passive, it helps you start unlocking your style, your statement and your signature inside your brand. So that's always a good place to start. But I'm going to the moon and I'm pregnant and I'm going to be on maternity leave come August, so I've been hitting the ground running and come August I hope to really have a team alongside me to where, when I come back in January, we're just hitting the ground with these high level, high touch, immersion, identity, evolution experiences for people and their brands.

Speaker 1:

So exciting. I feel like you are truly just building icons like both. You're building a human icon right now, and then you're also just building icons outside of that and helping people find that brand and that identity in such a really beautiful way. I mean even in a like a deeply emotional way, right when people are coming home to themselves and doing so in their highest expression. So I can't wait. I just believe in you so much and this is where your playground is. This is everything. And again, I feel like you're writing those narratives, you're redefining so much and that is why you are truly a woman on top.

Speaker 1:

So, last thing, I have been asking all of my guests to leave, like a last piece of advice or even like a quote for whoever the next guest is that I'm going to interview, not knowing who that is. So the last guest that I talked to, she left this bit of advice and she wanted you to know, without knowing it was you that you are your ancestors wildest dreams and that you're more came to you because you are the one that is meant to disrupt the entire lineage and you're the one that all of your ancestors are betting on. And, even though it might feel heavy and it might feel like can I really do this? You need to just know that you're so guided, and I feel like that is so in alignment with everything that we just talked about. Back to you with this. What advice, what piece of knowledge or a quote or something that's resonating with you from our conversation? What do you want to leave for the next guest, not knowing who that's going to be?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, that is such a good question and I love what that person shared. It hits so deeply. Okay, I think it has to be around evolution, so let me just riff it out and this is for everyone listening to. When you hit the moment where you feel like you've arrived and evolved, buckle up, because this is just the beginning to a lifetime of growth and evolution, and if you can understand that, you have unlocked your biggest secret and catalyst to your, like, biggest life stream. Oof.

Speaker 1:

Like need a moment to let that just like land on everyone. I, I just I love this conversation. I just I love this conversation. We need to come back to this episode time and time again. So for those that again are listening to this, save this one, because you're going to want to walk through this multiple times. You're going to want to come back to it. Like she said, there's going to be times where you doubt and you just come back to this. You're just getting started and let this be your permission slip to all of the things that are inside of your soul. And Brittany, oh my God, thank you for being on the show and for just unleashing all of your knowledge and all of your evolution with us here. You have just done such a service to me and I'm beyond grateful. I'm so beyond flattered and humbled that I get to share a world with you. So thank you.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad women on top is literally going to blow the tops off this world. Valerie, I am so proud of you. You are literally shaking up your industry and all industries outside it, so I'm excited to be a part of this ride with you, and what you're doing is fucking, next level, iconic.

Speaker 2:

So the last thing I just have to close, because you had said this earlier we my friend said this about me, but I think I'm going to say we, as in we, you and me, and we everyone listening to wrap us all in we don't work with stars and icons. We build them and we give them a platform to, to allow themselves to embody that in themselves, and I think that's a very big difference between someone who's just giving a service and someone who's leading a revolution, which is what I think both of us are doing here. So hats off, sister.

Speaker 1:

I love that we're building icons.

Speaker 2:

We're building the stage and you're building the platform for icons, stars, leaders, women on top, to have the space to actually tap into that identity and that's way. That's a. That's a way bigger wave and ripple than anything else.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I don't even know what to say back to that. I feel like almost like some emotions creeping in.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I need to buckle up myself. Get on board this fricking rocket ship. Yeah, we're going to the moon. Sister, thank you. I couldn't do this without you and I just love you so much. Thank you for tuning into the show today and before you go, I just have one quick favor to ask of you. There is a really simple way that you can help support me and help support the show, and that is to hit that follow button on whatever app you're listening to the show on. I'm trying really hard to level up the content and deliver unique value and amazing guests, and just hitting that follow button is the magic that will help continue to empower that. And remember that the world deserves to hear your voice and your stories and you deserve a place at the top.

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